You have somehow managed to order something that does not meet your expectations. Too bad, but things happen. Luckily we offer a 100% money-back guarantee, and we'll make someone else happy with it for sure.

Before anything, please read whether you comply with our Refund Policy and follow the guidelines indicated there. Here are some brief points to note:

• Products for which the Unique redeemable code has been entered to gain access to the extra material are NO longer refundable.

• Products purchased with a discount or during a sale (except for pre-orders) are NOT refundable.

• Products stripped of their seal must be returned in 100% good condition, and are assessed by us for contamination and damage. (findings are deducted from the refunds).

We do NOT reimburse shipping costs for returning goods, nor are we responsible for loss and damage during your return shipment. Provide a reliable shipping method, preferably, one that acquires signing for receipt.

Send an email to mail@facechart.art with subject: RETURN. Please include your order number so we can keep or eyes open for your package.

• Enclose a clear, readable print of your order confirmation stating your details, the email address used to order, and your order number. We cannot refund without this information.

Send your shipment to:

Woo Publishing

Returning goods

Slingerweg 6


The Netherlands


• Keep track and trace codes stored until you got refunded.

Feel free to contact us at any time at mail@facechart.art